Tzfat In Maynard Acknowledgments

We owe a huge thank you to six organizations, two sponsors, everyone's publicity, five team leaders, and all our exhibiting artists for Tzfat In Maynard!


  1. The Maynard Public Library (Director: Jean McGuire)
  2. WCUW radio Jewish Radio show Shirim (Host: Mitch Gordon)
  3. Chabad of Sudbury (Leader Rabbi Yisroel Freeman)
  4. Congregation Beth Elohim (Leader: Rabbi Lewis Mintz, Emertis)
  5. Jewish Hope (Director: Lisa B. Corfman)
  6. Maynard Cultural Council


This program is supported in part by a grant from the Maynard Cultural Council supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.

The event was organized and implemented by Lisa B. Corfman, founder of Jewish Hope.


News of the events was shared with sponsors listed through our preliminary flyer, and posted widely in cultural locations, to the founder's network, via our team leaders, to the American Guild of Jewish Arts, and other sites and networks.

Sponsorship acknowledgement continues here, and in our book Tzfat In Maynard Creation Taste.

Team Leaders

Learn about the Team Leaders!

  1. Lisa B. Corfman (Director)
  2. Mitch Gordon (Moderator)
  3. Rabbi Yisroel Freeman (Panelist)
  4. Rabbi Lewis Mintz, Emeritus, (Panelist)
  5. Adina Troen-Krasnow (Panelist)


See the artists' galleries!

Adina Troen-Krasnow, Amir Viskin, Amy Mimu Rubin, André van Meulebrouck, Andy Newman, Bracha Lavee, Cindy Lutz Kornet, Debra Strick, Deborah Loverd, Elissa Barr, Frann Addison, Gina Tzizik, Isaac Cohen, Iris Barten, Jonathan Rodney, Kelly Urquhart, Krista Kazanjian, Laura Fredericks, Lisa B. Corfman, Marla Richman, Mei-Lin Po, Mr. Friedman, Tamara Safford, Ted Barten, and Wensdy Whitehead.